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AmberJS using Vite as bundler and dev server, provide HMR directly to extension when development. You can read more on Vite website.

Any plugin compatible with Vite and Rollup can be use with vite, following example:

import { defineConfig } from '@amber.js/bundler'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'

export default defineConfig({
  vite: {
    plugins: [vue()]

Since vite config is embedded to AmberJS, standalone vite.config will NOT work. It must place vite config under vite amber.config.ts section.

Project structure

  📁 .amber
  📁 dist
  📁 public
  📁 release
  📁 src
  📄 .env
  📄 .gitignore
  📄 amber.config.ts
  📄 index.html
  📄 package.json
  📄 tsconfig.json


This is where cache files of AmberJs located, it should be ignored by .gitignore.


The dist folder is output of AmberJs, it contains dev build or production build of the project. During development mode, select Load Unpacked chrome extension and point in to this folder. If you didn't see dist folder, please run build or dev server.


Public folder store all of you assets and will be copy direct to dist folder after each build without post process.


Depend on your choice, all of your source code is located here. You can customize project structure as you need.


This is place contains config of bundler af browser manifest. If you choice javascript file name will be amber.config.js. Please refer to next section to configure your project.

Released under the MIT License.